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Professor Gardner examines inter-state and inter-societal conflict with a comparative historical orientation. His focus is on the diplomatic origins of war, yet more specifically on deliberating the phenomenon of war’s eruption and its regional and global ramifications, with an eye toward conflict resolution. His research blends a historical and theoretical approach with contemporary

international affairs, concentrating on questions involving NATO and European Union enlargement, the collapse of the Soviet Union and its impact upon China and Eurasia in general, as well as the global ramifications of the “war on terrorism.” Gardner is additionally an internationally published poet.

World War Trump had predicted the possibility of a Trump-incited coup in the Postscript. The domestic and international policy recommendations of the book are still relevant after Trump's defeat by Joe Biden in a fair election.


"Not even Zbigniew Brzezinski or Henry Kissinger have written such a book." Jonathan Power, book review of World War Trump, New York Journal of Books (March 6, 2018).


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Trump and the siege of the US Capitol | Wall Street International Magazine


The January 6 siege of the Capitol—the very symbol of American Democracy—was like a scene out of the novel, It Can’t Happen Here, written by Sinclair Lewis in 1935. In the book, the bumbling “Buzz” Windrip becomes US Senator after his militia of “minute men” (who consider Windrip “their general and their god”) seize Windrip’s state capitol, much like contemporary far-right wing militias threatened the Michigan capital in 2020. Windrip then wins the presidency and immediately declares martial law over the entire United States.

Picked by Hall Gardner
The best books on the genesis of the

"second" Cold War


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Not A New Cold War
Hall Gardner | TEDxAUP

December 4, 2021

World War Trump

Gardner's latest book, World War Trump, is available for pre-order now! Click below to learn how to get your own copy today.

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